
If you could meet any famous person, who would it be and why?


1. Read Luke 19:1-10. What does Jesus do and say to Zacchaeus?

2. Knowing that Zacchaeus was a tax collector which made him among the most despised people in Jesus’ day, what would you have expected Jesus to say or do?

3. How does Zacchaeus respond? What does he do and what does he say in response? Why do you think that is?

4. What is the crowd’s response to all of this? Why do you think it’s different than Zacchaeus’ response? Whom are you more like–the crowd or Zacchaeus?


5. Imagine Jesus was passing through town, came down your main street and stopped to see you, called out your name as you sat in the tree, and wanted to go hang out with you. What would you think or feel? How would you really respond to Him? Why?

6. Tell of a time when you experienced Jesus knowing what you were going through and being there for you. How did you respond toward Him after this? If you were in that tree, what do you think Jesus would say to you or what would you want Jesus to say to you?

As Jesus calls us by name and pursues knowing us, it warms our hearts to want to know Him, too. We want to talk to Him through prayer, read about Him in the Bible, tell others about Him, and meet with other believers. We begin to act and respond like Jesus towards others.

7. Which of these is something you would like to learn more about and apply?

8. What motivates you to read, pray, tell, gather with other believers?

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