Why is it easier for us to get along with people who are like us rather than people who are different from us?

Today we are going to talk about how to treat people who are different than you.


Read Luke 10:30-37

1. Why do you think the two Jews passed him by

2. Why did the Samaritan stop and help him? (v. 33)

3. What is the main point of Jesus’ story? (v. 37)

4. What would this story look like if it took place in your neighborhood? Go through the story as a group or in pairs phrase by phrase and come up with a “your town” version of this parable. If Jesus were to tell this story in your neighborhood today, who would the characters be? What would the setting be? If you break into pairs, share your stories with each other afterwards.


5. What are some different types of people in the world today?

6. People who are similar often feel more comfortable together. Think about the lunchroom at your school. Together, make a list of the different types of people that are represented at those tables at lunch time.

7. Look through the groups on the list.  Why is it sometimes easier to care about and trust people who are similar to you rather than people who are different from you?

8. Why is it important for us to show love to people who are different?  What is the value of it?

9. How did God demonstrate his love for you, even though you are different from him?

10. Does knowing how God loves you make it easier for you to love people who are different? If so, why?

11. What is the Holy Spirit’s role in helping you show love to people who are different?

12. What are some things you can do this week to show love to someone who is different than you?


“Three years ago a drunk driver crashed into my Dad’s car. Dad died, the other guy lived. He is serving time in prison and recently wrote to me asking for my forgiveness. I just don’t know if I can, or if I even want to.”What advice would you give to this person?


1. Today we are going to look at what Jesus said about forgiveness. Read Matthew 18:21-35. What was the first servant’s problem?

2. Why was the first servant forgiven? Would you have forgiven him?

3. Based on the king’s actions in verse 27, what does it mean to forgive another person?

4. In verse 28, what is wrong with how the first servant treated the second servant? What was the king’s response?

5. How is the Master in the story like God?


6. How are we sometimes like the first servant?

7. Why is it sometimes hard for us to forgive others?

8.  In the story, the master forgave the servant for the millions of dollars that he owed.  What has Christ forgiven you for?

9.  In verses 32-33, The king was angry at the first servant for not forgiving a small debt when he had forgiven the first servant of a very large debt. How does this remind you to extend forgiveness to those around you?

10. How is not forgiving others like being in prison?

11. The Holy Spirit is the source of our power to live the Christian life. How can the Holy Spirit help us to forgive others?

12. According to this story, what are some things that could motivate us to forgive people who hurt us?

13. Who do you need to forgive? What makes it hard to do? If you feel comfortable, share with the group your plans to forgive someone.


Today we are talking about relationships.  Raise your hand if you would like to be married someday. If your answer is “yes”, what are some characteristics you would want in your spouse?

For most of us, marriage is a long way away, but the qualities we look for in the people we choose to date or have romantic relationships with are often similar to the qualities we would want in a marriage. The number one thing most people look for is love. In our culture we throw around the word “love” all the time, but if we want to know how God defines love, we should look to the Bible.


Two passages that will shine some light on our relationships are: I Corinthians 13:4-7 which defines love, and Proverbs 4:23 which talks about how we are to navigate through our relationships.

1. After reading the I Corinthians verses how would you say this definition of love is different from much of the love we see in relationships today?

2. Some of the words in these verses may be confusing. How would you describe the phrase, “it is not self seeking”? Are there any other phrases you find confusing?

3. If our dating relationships (or someday our marriages) reflected this definition of love, how would they be different from relationships built mostly on feelings and doing what everyone else is doing?

4. Read the Proverbs 4:23 passage and put it into your own words. What do you think God is trying to tell us here?


5. From what should we guard our hearts in a romantic relationship?

6. Why does God want us to guard our hearts in romantic relationships?

7. Read Revelation 21:6. How does it help us guard our hearts in romantic relationships to satisfy our greatest thirst for relationship in Jesus Christ?

8. What are some ways we can guard our heart better?

9. What role would you say the Holy Spirit and God’s Word plays in protecting our heart in relationships?


Who are your favorite parents from movies or T.V. shows? Who are the worst?


Our relationship with our parents is one of the most important relationships in our lives, but it looks different for all of us. Some of us live with our biological parents, some of us don’t. Some of us have two parents who care for us, others of us were raised by a single parent,  grandparent or someone that isn’t even related to us. For the sake of this study, when the study refers to your “parents,” it is talking about whoever is raising you, but feel free to answer the questions about anyone you might call a parent.

1. Everybody’s relationships with their parents are a little different. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your relationship with your parents? Why?

2. What do you want to be like as a parent someday?

3. How do you want your kids to treat you when you are a parent?

4. Let’s see what God says about how parents should be treated.  What do the following passages say about honoring and respecting your parents? Ex 20:12Proverbs 10:1Eph 6:1-2Mark 10:19Proverbs 13:1Proverbs 1:8

5. What does it mean to honor your parents? Why should we honor our parents?

6. Why is it sometimes hard to honor your parents?

7. Read these two verses: Romans 1:302 Timothy 3:2. What stands out to you about these lists of sins?


8. Why do you think honoring our parents is so important to God?

9. How could you honor and respect your parents better? What is the Holy Spirit’s role in this?

10. How do you honor your parents if they are doing something you think is wrong or are asking you to do something that is wrong?

11. Parents aren’t perfect. Everyone is sinful but when parents sin, children suffer. When parents sin big, children suffer even more. If that has been your experience, you have a Heavenly Father who loves you more than you can imagine (Psalm 68:5). How does it comfort you that God is a perfect father, even if your parents aren’t?

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