
If you could have any super-power, what would it be? What would happen if you thought you had a super-power but didn’t?

Story Break

Jenna did it again.  For years she’s had a problem with gossiping about her friends when they’re not around, but she just can’t stop!  It just felt good to be the person that knows things no one else does.   Yesterday she found out that her friend Alli was pregnant, and she promised not to tell anyone.  This time, she thought, she would keep the secret.  But within 24 hours she was talking with two other friends when Alli walked by.  They asked why Alli looked so upset, and Jenna just couldn’t help it.  She told them the secret and then felt terrible.  Why can’t she stop herself from doing this?  She has no self-control!  Will she ever be able to change?

What should Jenna do?


1. Read Galatians 5:16. How would this verse have helped Jenna?
(It would have helped Jenna depend on God’s Spirit and not carry out her desire to gossip.)

2. Read 1 Corinthians 2:11. Who is the Holy Spirit?  

The Holy Spirit is God. There is one God in three persons: God the Father, God the  Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit, who lives in you after you put your faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit is 100% God and lives in you to help you understand the Bible and to give you power to live the Christian life (kind of like a super power).  As you trust the Holy Spirit and let him control you, he will begin to change your life.

3. According to Galatians 5:16, what is our role in seeing change in our lives?

  • Try Harder
  • Trust the Holy Spirit
  • Pray and hope for the best

4. Read Galatians 5:22-26. Which of these fruit of the Spirit have you seen growing in your life? Which do you wish you had more of?

5.Why doesn’t trying harder help you have more of the fruit of the Spirit? 

6. From verse 25, what does it mean to “live by the Spirit” and “keep in step with the Spirit”?

7. Read Ephesians 5:18. What role does God want his Spirit to play in our lives based on this verse?


Read Together:  Sometimes things happen that keep us from being filled up with this power.  At times we ignore God, do things that are not pleasing to him, or just forget to include him in our everyday lives.  These things are called sin in the Bible, and we deal with them by agreeing with God that they are wrong and asking to be filled with His Spirit again.

8. So what do we do if we’ve sinned? How does 1 John 1:8-9 answer this question?

SPIRITUAL BREATHING is a way to visualize how to be filled with the Spirit.  Just like you continually breathe physically, you can breathe spiritually too.
  • You EXHALE by confessing your sin the moment you become aware of it and thanking God for forgiving it.
  • You INHALE by calling on God and trusting him to fill you and give you his power (super-power) to live the Christian life.

9. How would Spiritual Breathing help Jenna in the story above? How would it help you?

10. What might keep you from Spiritual Breathing on a regular basis?

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